Active Rehab & Injury Prevention

Active Rehab | Vancouver
Active rehab with a registered kinesiologist is for those who are injured and find it difficult to keep up with the physical demands of daily life or work.
We can help you with pain management, injury recovery, injury prevention, return to work rehabilitation, athletic rehab, and overall musculoskeletal health in our Vancouver and Kitsilano locations.
A few of the conditions that we commonly treat are poor posture, tension headaches, stiff muscles, neck and shoulder problems, joint and muscle pain, scoliosis, as well as knee and back problems.
As a wholistic approach aiming to address the body as a whole, rather that just the symptomatic area, a kinesiology session starts with a comprehensive full-body movement assessment. Then, a Kinesiology practitioner guides you through stretches and exercises that are selected based on your symptoms and assessment findings.
Kinesiotaping provides valuable support in various areas, offering benefits such as improved flexibility, pain reduction, enhanced performance, better posture, and improved joint function.
With its unique application and properties, kinesiotape serves as an additional aid to optimize your physical well-being and achieve your goals.
Whether you’re an athlete aiming for improved performance or someone seeking pain relief and improved functionality, kinesiotaping can provide the added support you need.